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Aidan Brown

Team Leader/Designer/Builder

This will be my third year on the FTC team 19530 the Thunderbirds and I have also competed in 1 year of FRC and will be competing in the coming season of FRC before I graduate and hopefully mentor for years to come. I find so much value in competing First whether it's socially growing as a person or trying to push myself to the limit to learn as much as I can building the robot and competing. For me first is like no other experience and has made me a much better person. Outside of First Robotics, some skills that First has taught me have helped my abilities in my family's farming operation, in my Job at the Leamington Airport, running the finances for school parlement and as an athlete wether it be volleyball, basket ball other team sports.


Ben Recker


Hello, my name is Ben Recker. I joined the Thunderbirds last season and have loved it ever since. Being a part of a robotics team grants you many opportunities to grow, develop and learn what your passion is. Builder, programmer, Public relations. FIRST has a place for everyone.


Nathan Ribble

Builder/Public Relations

I am Nathan Ribble and this is my third year as a part of this team and in Robotics. I love Robotics, and especially FIRST because we all are able to come together as a team with all of our passion and have fun. Not only is it fun, but Robotics has taught me many life skills I will use throughout my whole life such as communication and problem-solving.


Jocelyn Giroux

Public Relations Specialist

​This is my first year on an FTC team, as last year I competed as a part of the PR team of FIRST’s international Robotics Competition (FRC). To me, robotics isn’t just about how well you’re doing in a competition, it’s about making meaningful connections to other people, and finding new skills that will be applicable anywhere you may go. That is why I joined team 19530.


Cole Baptista

Builder/Public Relations

This will be my second year within the FTC team, Thunderbird’s. Being in this team has taught me many skills that will help me in school and in life and has helped me grow in many other ways as well. Although FIRST is focused on the robotic competition there is so much more to it, such as the PR and gathering sponsors that go on behind the scenes that make what we do here possible. Being a part of this team has been a huge part of my high school life and I am excited to experience the process leading up to the competitions as well as the competitions themselves again this year. 

TB Team Pic.JPG

About Us

The ThunderBirds (Team 19530) are a small close-knit team based in Leamington, Ontario. Currently, the team is made up of 5 grade 12 students, 4 boys and 1 girl, as well as 5 mentors not shown in the picture. Our team is based out of UMEI Christian High School, a small school in the country. For the past eleven years, UMEI has taught a locally developed Robotics course which was accepted with great interest by the students. Currently, Lego Mindstorms (EV3) is being utilized for the junior years (grades 9 and 10), while the senior years (grades 11 and 12) are participating in the FIRST Tech Challenge. Over the years, the projects have grown to a high degree and level of complexity due to the dedication of our students to this program.As the Thunderbirds, our goals are to create a learning experience for our team and competitors. We are going to take our robot knowledge from last year's challenge and adapt it to the new challenge, "Centerstage." Our team is willing to overcome challenges and use this experience as a chance to learn about physics and engineering. Our group is dynamic and possesses critical thinking skills. We will use this opportunity to build our robot and share our journey and findings with our community whether it be other first teams or just people that want to learn about robotics. Coming out of this season we hope that every member of our team comes out a better problem-solver, collaborator and pick up at least one skill.


Year Established


Competitions Completed


Members  Joined


Awards Won

Team Pictures





For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please email: or fill out the following form:

Main Contact

 614 Mersea Rd. 6

Leamington, Ontario

N8H 3V8



For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please email: or fill out the following form:

Main Contact

 614 Mersea Rd. 6

Leamington, Ontario

N8H 3V8

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